Distance Mission
Mission – is not an alternative, missions – is Gods command for His children.
There are different ways to partake in mission and to use the abilities God gave to you. Our team will gladly accept your participation in the mission works.
Distance Mission
Not everyone has a chance to personally participate in a distant mission. But that does not mean that you cannot take part in fulfilling the Great Commission.
“If you cannot shoot, hand in the bullets” In order for one destroyer with two pilots to be in the air and to lead the fight, there are 400 ground personal needed. The same work on the mission!
Our Needs:
1. Prayer Support
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places, but this wrestle is a war, and the prayer support is the foundation of a successful war. The changes in the physical world are the changes in the spiritual world. Therefore, if you are ready to participate in the mission, to take a stand in a gap for those who are in the front line, let us know. We will regularly send you the information about our prayer needs, in which we need support.
2. Financial Support
The timely financial support makes distant mission possible.
It makes it easier for us to plan our activities and organize different projects, when we know what budget we have.
If you are willing to become our financial partner, regularly donate a small amount of money, please fill out a form.
3. Mission representation in large churches and associations
The prophet Jeremiah was serving with the help of Baruch, who was his stenographer and scriber. We are also in need of the same people.
To coordinate the networking with churches, supplying with information, informing the church members about the done work and cross communication (considering that not everywhere and not everyone has access to our site). If you see yourself in this ministry, write to us about this.
4. Editors
Often to write a sketch, memory or just an outline about an event we have only couple minutes late at night before going to bed, when the children are already in bed, and we understand that at that particular moment the last thing on our mind is the style and punctuation. Let alone, often we have no choice but to write from our cell phones.
If you are competent in editing and rereading the texts and would like to serve God with this, let us know about it.
5. Text Translators
Because our team is multilingual we are writing in our first languages. Translation takes extra time, time that we can use for more important things, being on the front line.
If you are fluent in English, and can grammatically translate to English and from English, we will happily count you as our distant team member. Write to use.
6. Graphical Designers
Time to time we need to design posters, cards, flyers, edit pictures and other things connected to graphics. Physically we are unable to do that because inefficient notebooks are not good for this.
If you would like to serve with your talent, by participating in good deed, just let us know.
7. Film processing and editing
A diagram worth many words! – everyone agrees to that. And we have something to show! But it must be done of high quality and with a style.
If you have experience working with film editing, short video and clip production, we are in great need of your help, write to us.
8. Commercial production in any format
We constantly need posters, flyers, banners, business cards, bookmarks, souvenirs and other things to be typed up. If you can help us in production of any above named things, we will be very thankful to you. To buy t-shirts and print logo on them – we will appreciate, but to tell us where to get the t-shirts for a cheaper price – would not be less appreciated.
9. Web-masters and website owners
Banner and information distribution about us will be a step of goodness and act of support to our mission. Providing your websites and portals with new and interesting information about mission as a whole, and our specific work, is how we can be helpful to you.