From the swamp of sin. Becky’s story.
For many of us, even in families of atheists, the notion of purity and morality had been taught by parents since childhood. Of course, day by day our society is moving towards moral decay and every year children learn about sex at earlier age. However, it seems to me, no matter how scary the situation in this sphere is in the West, it still cannot be compared to how early most Kenyan girls get their first sexual experience. They cannot make their own choice: purity or sinfulness, as since the childhood they only see the latter.
In many African families parents and children often sleep in the same room, so the kids from the early childhood can watch their parents having sex. This leads to the fact that they follow their example, starting to "play adult games", not realizing the real meaning of what’s happening. With such contaminated consciousness children turn into young adults who do not understand what is good and what is bad, further and further drowning in sin. And this is repeated from generation to generation.
Becky, one of our girls, experienced something like that ...
Becky was born in the village of Shimo la Tewa. She is thirteen but our team met her when she was only eight. At that time she was attending our school. Once, when Becky came to the clinic, there were lots of worms in her legs and arms. We immediately took her to the hospital. Becky was undergoing the procedure of cleaning out the"Dudu" (worms) for the whole week. After the treatment we took the girl to "The House of Refuge" (the place where we take the neglected children).
From time to time the kid ran to her former home. We could not understand why. Conversations and questioning did not help. But one day she decided to tell us the shocking truth... It turned out that all that time her father and brother were seducing her and the sin attracted Becky with the incredible force. But she did not understand what was happening and already had certain dependence. She ran to the perverts plunging deeper and deeper into the "dirt".
The girl did not want to talk about what was happening. We took her to our home, started lessons of drawing with her and never stopped praying for her. After some time our classes yielded results and runaways ceased.
Today she is behaving herself and there is hardly another such a cheerful person. Betty loves other kids, always taking care of them with incredible patience. She is also a very hardworking girl.
Dirt is not able to be washed by dirt! Simple conversation or therapy will not be enough! But there is no such dirt that cannot be washed by the power of God’s blood! The Lord took Becky out of the swamp of sin and granting her the purity of his love! There is nothing impossible for Him!
Author: Anastasia Klimenko
Published: 2014-04-30 19:28