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Child sponsor application


Sponsoring a child – is a distant mission. Not everyone has a chance to be a missionary in Africa, leave your home for a long time, but often God touches hearts to help the needy. Especially the questions is raised when its concerned children who cannot change anything on their own. Our big desire is to help all children who at this time are wondering on the streets, looking for food at the dump sites, sleeping on the ground, wrapped, if they get lucky, in a piece of polyethylene.

You can become part of this ministry and together with you and Gods blessings we will head toward helping these children to have hope in the future.

From the 17 kids that we have at our children’s home, 8 of them already have sponsors. Of course, that does not mean that the rest of the children are starving, not getting education and have nothing to wear. The rest of the children get the financial support from the general donations. Becoming a sponsor of a child, you will not only give hope for the future to that child, but also will give a chance to use those money towards project of street kids or a chance to take another baby in our children’s home.

The financial support of a child consists of $80 US per month. Half of that amount goes towards food, cloths, living. The other half goes towards their education.

If you would like to sponsor a child but this amount is high for you, you can send part of the amount. One child can be sponsored by more than one person. On the other hand if you wish to sponsor more than one child, you can do that as well.

When you will become a sponsor of a child, you will be receiving information about that child, picture, information about school, stories from his/her life and etc. If you wish to come and personally meet the child you are welcome to do that; and also you can visit him/her.

It is necessary to point out that sponsorship is also a great responsibility just like guardianship or adaption. Before making the serious step, you think over and over about your desires and your recourses. Also, after adapting a child, you cannot say that the time came when you cannot take care of a child anymore and you will not ask to return the child or give him/her to someone else. Sponsorship is also a very important and responsible ministry, even though the child will not physically be with you, but he/she will not stop being a small person, for whom we are responsible. May God bless you in making your decision.

If your desire to become a sponsor of a child is thought through, balanced and firm – fill out the form below. If you are uncertain – don’t hurry. If you have questions – ask.


All fields must be completed
Your name:
Where are you from (City, Country):
Monthly amount:
If you would like to sponsor a specific child, please mention his/her name:
