Missionary Service in Africa or One Day of African Inland Mission
The sun has not risen yet but the missionaries are already up leaving their beds when the bell goes. There are a lot of things to be done! Our God deserves praise and worship, so that’s exactly what our African inland mission starts a new day with. After a prayer the missionaries wake up their pupils of Jack and Jill School. For breakfast the African kids are given sandwiches with jam or peanut butter, prepared beforehand, washed down with Kenyan tea with milk, which is so familiar to them. While the breakfast is being prepared the kids complete their morning hygiene procedures. The missionaries hand them in their multicolored trays with the food and after common praying see them off to school.
Then, the morning starts for the smallest, who are joyfully congratulated with the new day. The kids get ready for their morning toilette and small chores: they are up to make their beds and get dressed. The missionaries let them know the menu: “Porridge that will make you the strongest! Pierogi that will raise your spirit!” Sometimes in the morning they may be even offered a banana and some cookies. The sky is the limit for the missionaries’ culinary imagination! Nothing to speak about the exotic dish called “oladji” (pancakes) or fantastic pies on Sundays! The kid who is the first to eat the breakfast gets the appraisal of holding a missionary’s hand at the morning praying. Missionary service with the youngest starts with communal prayer.
It takes an hour for the kids to get to the school. A morning walk through the forest and along the “horrible” main road does the kids a lot of good as they eagerly start working: read, write, count and study the Bible. The small kids with amazingly serious expressions on their faces zealously try to learn and put into practice the major biblical principles: share their toys, play with toddlers and obey adults. Sometimes they fail but are persistently encouraged at their classes and have a try again and again. During the breaks the kids eat their traditional dish – UGALI. At last it is high time to go back home!
The children are very responsible when fulfilling their duties. It is a must for them to take care of their clothes as in Africa it is an expensive luxury. Thus, on coming back some wash up their rather dirty pajamas, some tidy up the room, others just wash their hands. Then it is high time to play! It is not a problem to find toys for a new game as they can be made of everything that comes at hands. More often than not cardboard boxes are the most frequently used for that.
Missionary service in Africa goes on after dinner as missionaries pray with kids who thank God for His support and assistance, as He helped them to be obedient, or ask for forgiveness as they broke the rules set by the mission. The kids appeal to God with gratitude for His care. Before going to bed the children are given clean clothes for the next day and a kiss of a missionary who in return gets hundreds of kisses from happy kids.
The children are always in anticipation of Fridays and Saturdays as on these days they are shown funny cartoons commented by a witty and cute youngster Atoti. The house is filled with laughter and happy voices. On Sundays the children are allowed to wear their most beautiful clothes as they head for the meeting with GOD! Afterwards they may have a pleasant walk or a visit to some nice place. This is the way of life the inheritors of the Kingdom of God lead.
Author: Sydiy Julia
Published: 2014-04-16 20:48